Guest editorial

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Title Author Hits
January - April 2005 : NHS in Cyprus Written by Chryssoula Thodi PhD 6611
October - December 2004: Electrically Evoked OAEs Written by Jiefu Zheng and Yuan Zou 7806
June - September 2004: Clinical implications of OAE generation theory for the prediction of behavioral hearing thresholds Written by Lauren Shaffer & Sumitrajit Dhar 7099
April - May 2004: Newborn Hearing Programs in Brazil. Models Outside the US reality. PART 2 Written by Monica Jubran Chapchap, PhD 5219
February - March 2004: Ipsilateral Suppression of Transiently Evoked Emissions Written by George A. Tavartkiladze, PhD 5534
January 2004: On the Prediction of cochlear pure-tone threshold and cochlear compression by means of extrapolated DPOAE I/O-functions Written by Thomas Janssen, PhD 5439
October - December 2003: Recording click-evoked otoacoustic emissions using MAXIMUM LENGTH SEQUENCES (MLS) Written by Roger Thornton, PhD 5864
April - June 2003: Universal Newborn Hearing Screening in Poland Written by Marzanna Radziszewska-Konopka, MD 4976
January - March 2003: A review of OAE related activities in the Eastern hemisphere Written by Jenny Chan, MS 5636
October - December 2002: Auditory Neuropathy/Dys-Synchrony. II. Management Written by Thierry Morlet PhD 5022
August - September 2002 : Auditory Neuropathy/Dys-Synchrony. I. Diagnosis Written by Thierry MOrlet PhD 5028
May - July 2002 : Mechanisms of DPOAE Generation Written by Glen Martin, PhD 5262
April 2002 : Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity: Cell-Biological Aspects of Hair Cell Degeneration Written by John de Groot, PhD 4891
February -March 2002: Newborn Hearing Programs in Brazil. Models Outside the US reality. PART 1 Written by Katia de Almeida, PhD 5121
November 2001 - January 2002 : An introduction to Time- Frequency (TF) analysis for a TEOAE interpretation Written by Antoni Grzanka PhD 5814