
08/06/2015: Updates in the OAE Software -Simulations and Modelling Category

The Simulations & Modelling pages have been updated with a contribution from Dr. Michael Berg on the classical issue of the distortions in the  Tartini Tone.

It is expected that within June 2015 all the contents from the old OAE site will be transferred to the Portal. The reason for this delay is that the majority of the simulations were written for the DOS environment, which today is obsolete.  Nevertheless some DOS simulators still exist and these programs have an important educational role, specially for the students of Audiology and Hearing Science.

10/06/2015: Updates in the OAE software category

The OAE Software , Databases / Patient Tracking pages were updates with a recent description of the Hitrack 4 software package. Within the same page there are included updates on the price availability of Hitrack, for 2015.

20/05/2015: Interacoustics Updates

Mr David Speidel, director of the Audiological services of Interacoustics US provided a series of interesting information regarding the new Titan platform , a TEOAE webinar and a series of how-to do-guides for the following topics :

(1) How to run a DP measurement

(2) How to handle Titan for screening

(3) OAE - DPOAE pass criteria and interpretation

(4) How to analyze a DP-Gram

(5) Screening using Titan

(6) OAEs: Cleaning the probe tip

The Titan platform  has its own 'Suite' of software that includes Clinical Impedance, Wide Band Tympanometry, DP & TEOAE (screening and clinical uses) , ABRIS (ABR Screening Module). The software is NOAH compatible, but it includes its own database (OtoAccess) to manage the data. The OtoAccess database has a HiTrack add-on, which is an essential element for those conducting hearing screening in the US.

06/05/2015 : New Entries in the FORUM channel for the families of Implanted Children

The FORUM space dedicated to the families of Implanted children has been updated with two success stories. The cases come from the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in Warsaw , Poland. The Portal Editorial staff would like to thank Jolanta Chylkiewicz , Aneta Olkowska and Olga Wanatowska for summarizing  and  translating the Polish material into English.

18/04/2015: New Webinar on children's Hearin Screening

There is a new entry in the webinar pages, originating from the ECHO Initiative project. The title is " Improving Hearing Screening practices in children up to 5 years of age"