Intelligent Hearing Systems : 09/02/2015
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- Category: Latest OAE hardware vendor Updates
- Last Updated on Monday, 09 February 2015 17:26
- Written by Editorial Board
- Hits: 6779
Mrs Raquel Lauture from Intelligent Hearing Systems sent us an update regarding their OAE / ABR line of products.
The SmartDPOAE system is a full-featured Distortion Product OAE (DPOAE) and Transient OAE (TrOAE) testing system. It can acquire a DP-Gram with up to 41 frequency points. Its built-in scripting feature allows advanced users to define sequences of frequencies and intensities for automated data collection. The user also has full control over the stimulus levels, frequency ratio, artifact rejection, and sweep count. We offer a high frequency option for testing at up to 16kHz for human subjects and at up to 32kHz for animal testing using the 10B+ probe microphone and our High Frequency Transducers. The system also allows for the acquisition of the DPOAE Input-Output function. The data can be exported to an ASCII file.
The SmartTrOAE provides graphical displays of the OAE time signal, frequency analysis, and ear canal response. Advanced features include time-frequency plots, which can be used to illustrate how the frequency composition of transient OAE responses, Noise, and SNR change over time. Linear, non-linear, and spontaneous acquisition modalities are included. The user can change the stimulus from clicks to tones or user-defined stimulus files.
IHS offers a dual probe system which allows for recording contralateral, ipsilateral, and binaural suppression. The Suppression Option includes full control of suppressor level, duration, and the amount of time between the masking and the stimulus signal. The module also includes a suppression analysis module developed by the Kresge Hearing Research Laboratory, which incorporates a temporal and spectral comparison of the control and suppression data.
For ABR testing, IHS offers the SmartEP system. SmartEP is a sophisticated, multi-channel (up to 8) full-featured evoked potentials system with the versatility to meet both all clinical and research needs. SmartEP offers the ability to acquire ECochGs, ABRs, a fast rate intensity sequence using Chain Stimuli, Frequency Specific ABRs using Notch-Noise Masking, eABR, MLR, LLR, P300/MMN, Frequency Following Responses using Advanced Auditory Research module, High Frequency EPs up to 32kHz, Somatosensory/ ENoG EPs, and VEPs. SmartEP gives the user full-control of all acquisition parameters.
IHS offers also the SmartEP-CAM module, a continuous acquisition module which simplifies the acquisition of continuous multi-channel high resolution AEP, OAE and EEG signals. It is also available a Complex ABR (cABR) Research Module based on Dr. Nina Kraus and colleagues at Northwestern University’s, Complex ABR analysis of speech elicited AEP responses.
Specific information on these devices (brochures) can be obtained from IHS .