
07/05/2018: Multimedia content of the book Advances in Audiology

We are working (and in parallel editing the book ..) on the implementation of the Multimedia contents of the book "Advances in Audiology, Speech Pathology and Hearing Science". The authors of the book have done an excellent presenting links with video personal material, animations and Youtube links which  will improve considerably  the apprehension of the book contents.

26/03/2018: Updates on the Advances Book

We have initiated the final construction of the additional elements needed in relationship to the multimedia elements of the book "Advances in Audiology , Speech Pathology and Hearing Science". While these links and materials are free for everyone who accesses the OAE Portal, they will make sense only to the readers of the book.

01/02/2018 : New HEAL Conference at Lake Como, Italy

There are news about the new HEAL (HEaring Across the Lifespan) Conference: According to the organizer Ferdinando Grandori 


"The HEAL Conferences, known also as the Lake Como Conferences, have become the place where a broad community investigating all components of hearing care across the lifespan can work together to merge contemporary research findings with cutting-edge clinical practice.

Across the years, participation of some 500 to 600+ delegates representing some 50 to 60+ different countries, about 300 to 350+ selected presentations (oral communications and Posters), Round Tables, Satellite Events, together with vibrant discussions among participants, have made these meetings a great event, paralleling the increasing demands of this ever-growing field.

 Presentations cover a perfect mix of topics and include (but are not limited to) basic research on mechanisms of hearing and hearing dysfunction, technological development in diagnosis, advances in hearing devices and instrumentation, medical issues related to programs implementation and patient management, psychosocial effects, causal pathways between hearing loss and cognitive decline/dementia, as well as clinical decision making, protocols and models, quality assurance, parents and public health perspectives and the most advanced e-Health applications to almost all areas of Audiology and Hearing care."

Additional information can be found at the HEAL 2018 website.

25/01/2018 : Updates on the "Advances on Audiology book"

The book "Advances in Audiology, Speech Pathology and Hearing Science" is an attempt to move teaching and learning to a new level, which we call 2.0. The idea of the book editors (Hatzopoulos, Ciorba & Krumm) is to supply not only the latest information in their field, but to provide a multimedia liaison of their material. In other words within the chapters there will be available multimedia links which will facilitate the comprehension of the material.

As it was announced in 2017, the OAE Portal will be used as a reservoir of this multimedia content, where possible (of not copyrighted material). The book is in its latest editorial phase, it has been divided into two volumes and unfortunately, a 40% of the submitted multimedia links reside within Youtube. It is still unknown ( copyright issues)  if these links can be placed within a container in the OAE Portal. 

24/10/2017 : New multimedia contents related to AAP Book

From the Editor: I am privileged to edit with Drs Andrea Ciorba and Mark Krumm ( associate editors) a new book titled "Advances in Audiology, Speech Pathology, and Hearing Science". The book will be published in 2018 by American publisher Apple Academic Press (AAP). The book describes the latest advances in the three disciplines mentioned and its novel features include not only numerous images BUT links to multimedia elements,  found either at the youtube site or in this Portal !! As the saying goes " a picture is a 1000 words" .. you can imagine what a multimedia element of an animation or of a video, could convey !! 

We are working on an update of the Portal's structure which will facilitate the access to these elements which will contribute to a higher comprehension of the presented book material.

Additional posts on this topic should appear as early as December 2017.